‘Junk DNA’ no more? Most long non-coding RNA likely functional, study finds

The number of functional long non-coding RNAs exceeds the number of protein coding genes present in human cells https://epigeneticsliteracyproject.org/junk-dna-no-long-non-coding-rna-functional-study-finds/ Excerpt: "Researchers have now catalogued nearly 28,000 long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) present in human cells, and found that roughly 20,000 are likely functional. The study, published yesterday (March 1, 2017) in Nature, also suggests that about 2,000 lncRNAs are associated with diseases." http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/cat/?cultureKey=&q=cat Excerpt: "Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are largely heterogeneous and functionally uncharacterized. Here, using FANTOM5 cap analysis of gene expression (CAGE) data, we integrate multiple transcript collections to generate a comprehensive atlas of 27,919 human lncRNA genes with high-confidence 5′ ends and expression profiles across 1,829 samples from the major human primary cell types and tissues. Genomic and epigenomic classific...