Dual-layer epigenetic gene regulation - Biological metadata points to Intelligent Design

Information layers around information layers work like a data container https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-10-important-mechanism-epigenetic-gene.html Excerpt: "How can defective gene activity leading to cancer be avoided? Researchers at the University of Zurich have now identified a mechanism by which cells pass on the regulation of genetic information through epigenetic modifications. These insights open the door to new approaches for future cancer treatments. ...Methylation marks on DNA act as molecular switches that regulate gene activity in order to coordinate the cell's specialization within the organism. How this DNA methylation is faithfully regulated, and how it can become defective, has not yet been fully resolved. However, the consequences are well known: In many cancer types, the methylation is deposited in the wrong place. This leads to genes being read incorrectly. Dual-layer epigenetic gene regulation Scientists at the University of Zurich have now found new pr...