Why Humanity’s DNA May be in Trouble in the Future

Rapidly weakening gene pool is a hard evidence against evolution


Excerpt: "A new review in GENETICS explains this potential problem pretty well. It has to do with DNA changes or mutations that pop up in each generation. And the loss of the ability to weed out the ones with minor, negative effects.

Over time, these minor mutations might build up and have serious consequences. Left unchecked, our DNA might decline in quality, generation after generation.

Now that isn’t to say that this article says that DNA quality is only going to go downhill. With screening and maybe even fixing broken genes (gene editing), we may eventually lose really bad mutations from the gene pool. So future generations may not get as many deadly genetic diseases as we do today.

But it is the mutations that just cause minor problems that are, well, potentially the problem. We will not be able to easily find and screen for these. And combined they may have real consequences for humanity.

The idea is that these mutations with small effects will keep building up in our DNA because they are not deadly in the modern world. Eventually enough mutations will build up to weaken the human genetic pool. Death by a thousand cuts…

We may see increases in autism and other brain related issues, get cancer earlier and so on. We will be more sickly in general.

But it may not be so good for humanity’s DNA. In the next few hundred years we could see a real fall off in terms of average human intelligence, strength and so on. And it could happen faster and faster as time goes on.

This will make it so the number of mutations in each generation will go up faster and faster. The pace of new mutations, the mutation rate, will accelerate in each generation.

But the new normal will not be what we are today. For example, since the brain is controlled by thousands of genes, there might be more problems there. More mental illness, less intelligence and so on.

Still, if a buildup in minor, negative mutations ends up being a real problem, our future relatives will have to deal with it. Whatever solutions they come up with will probably be expensive and time consuming.

All the sequencing we are doing now could help give us a starting point to reset humanity back to our current DNA this way. Maybe we’d want to go back a few more hundred years before mutations might have started building up in our DNA. (Or a few thousand!)

Another probably crazy possibility is to save cells from people living now and clone them later when our DNA has taken a real beating. This would probably be doable but only as a last resort." (By Dr. Barry Starr, Stanford University)

My comment: So called natural selection is not able to weed out those millions of mutations in the human DNA. Pseudoscientific claims about mutations and natural selection leading to evolution are a laughable fairytale. Genetic degradation occurs all over nature, within all types of organisms. That's why we can observe only loss of genes and chromosomes but no increase of biological information.

Time will not save the evolutionary theory. Time means aging. Aging means degeneration. The basic tenets of the theory of evolution are upside down when reflected to empirical observations of real life.

There is no such a thing as a mutation driven evolution. We've been created. Don't get lost.


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