Human vestigial organs and structures - What is the truth?
Human vestigial organs and structures - What is the truth?

1. The Palmaris longus muscle.
According to scientific research and analysis, this muscle is very important for athletes and musicians, for example. If you use and need that muscle you will have a strong Palmaris Longus. If you don't use it, it will experience atrophy. But genomic information doesn't disappear from the DNA.
2. Human tail-like structures
The reason for this disorder is not well known but one thing is sure: Animal tails don't grow out of their necks. So, this phenomenon has nothing to do with evolution.
3. Appendix
"The appendix, of course, has long mystified doctors in what necessity it has ever actually played inside the human body. It has long been touted, by medical health care professionals, to have no good reason to be there. But recently, surgeons and immunologists at 'Duke University Medical School' believes that the appendix, does indeed, serve an important function inside the human body after all.
These researchers at the 'Duke University Medical School' believe they have sufficient evidence to back up their theory, in that the appendix appears to help produce and protect the good bacteria in the intestines. The appendix, they say, acts like a "good bacteria factory" that "cultivates and preserves" good bacteria nutrition to help keep your body healthy. There is much more bacteria (or germs) inside your body than cells. Most of this bacteria that resides inside your body is needed to help you digest, absorb, and eliminate your food. These friendly microbes also provide your skin with a protective barrier."
There are no evolutionary remnants in the human body. The evolutionary theory is a major lie. Don't get misled.
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