Human vestigial organs and structures - What is the truth?

Human vestigial organs and structures - What is the truth? A common claim is that there are vestigial organs, traits and structures in the human body. We are taught that they are some kind of remnants of our evolutionary past. Let's reveal the truth. 1. The Palmaris longus muscle. According to scientific research and analysis, this muscle is very important for athletes and musicians, for example. If you use and need that muscle you will have a strong Palmaris Longus. If you don't use it, it will experience atrophy. But genomic information doesn't disappear from the DNA. "RESULTS: The presence of the palmaris longus was higher in elite athletes (21/22, 96%) than non-elite athletes (66/84, 79%; P=0.066) for sports that require a dominant-handed or two-handed cylindrical grip (18/22, 82% and 19/35, 54%, respectively; P=0.034). For both elite and non-elite athletes, the presence of the palmaris longus was higher in those partici...