
Showing posts from November, 2017

The body's stress management is an irreducibly complex entity that has not been able to evolve

The body's stress management is an irreducibly complex entity that has not been able to evolve  Our bodies constantly face different stress factors that can roughly be divided into physical and psychological stresses. Even walking from your warm home to a cold and damp, windy weather will cause a stress reaction in your skin because the skin's heat regulation proteins tend to balance heat fluctuations. If the mechanism does not work properly, you will not tolerate cold or hot. To cope with stress situations, your body needs cortisol (hydrocortisone) produced by the cortex of the adrenal glands. The yield of cortisol is controlled by the mediator hormone ACTH, which in turn is produced by the pituitary gland. Hormone production of pituitary gland is in turn controlled by the CRH hormone produced by the hypothalamus and certain body cells. They also have an important link with our immune system. Also, intestinal bacteria have been found to have a clear connection with the product

Histone Code - A Biological Database

Readers, writers and erasers - Epigenetic markers of histones - a sophisticated biological database The cell has a biological database that has sometimes been compared to the barcode system. These are epigenetic markers of histones, known to many different types. The most common are methylation, acetylation and ubiquitination. Histones are DNA packaging proteins around which DNA is interwoven. The cell uses the structure of chromatin to regulate and control the genes. The more open chromatin is, the more actively the gene is read in transcription. And vice versa, what is the more concealed in the structure of the histones, the more the cell holds the gene suppressed so it can not end up in transcription. The structure of the chromatin acts as an analogue regulator. Thus, epigenetic regulation works much more dynamically than an ON / OFF switch. Histone epigenetic markers have a very large regulatory effect, e.g. for alternative splicing of pre-mRNA. This mechanism makes it possible to